Street Food: Famous fruit salad is available here in Dhanbad, plate is decorated with 10 types of fruits for just ₹ 30

Street Food: Famous fruit salad is available here in Dhanbad, plate is decorated with 10 types of fruits for just ₹ 30

Mo. Ikram/Dhanbad, Eating fruits early in the morning is considered beneficial for the body. Consuming most of the seasonal fruits is beneficial. There are many varieties in fruits as well and due to the high cost of fruits, it is not accessible to everyone. In such a situation, different varieties of fruits are mixed and served as fruit salad to the customers. The cost of this one plate fruit salad is within the reach of common people.

It is summer season now. In this, if the morning starts with fruit salad, then the body remains full of energy throughout the day. The stall of Pandit Fruit Salad is in news at Kachari Road in Dhanbad, Jharkhand. For the last 15 years, he has been setting up a fruit stall here. Fruit salad is available here at the rate of Rs.30 per plate. This fruit salad is prepared by mixing about 15 types of fruits including mango, banana, beet root, carrot, grapes, pineapple, pomegranate, papaya.

Shopkeeper Prabhat Kumar told that now in the summer season, most of the people include watermelon, orange and seasonal fruits in the fruit salad. Due to the abundance of water in these fruits, there is a lot of relief in the heat. About five kilos of mangoes, five dozen bananas, three kilos of apples, two kilos of pomegranates, five kilos of grapes, three kilos of malta, 20 kilos of watermelon, 12 pieces of pineapple, 10 pieces of papaya, five kilos of beet root are consumed daily at his shop. . Hundreds of plates of fruit salad are sold.

The demand for fruit salad increases further in summer. Most of the people coming from far away for court work stop here and have fruit salad. There is a crowd of customers at his stall throughout the day. Fruit salad not only helps in keeping the body healthy, but also does not allow dehydration in the body. Also, fruit salad can be prepared within minutes.

Tags: Dhanbad News, Food business, fruits, Jharkhand news, street food

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